
February 23, 2009

Picture of The day

picture of the day..
aku arinih perasan gamba2 ni dalam pc..
sape pnye xtaw la sbb pc aku kt hostel dah public skrg..
sape nk gne dtg je n then wt la cm bapak dorg nye pc..

Kreatif tul mamat nih.. maybe dorg jmpe kt google nih..

nih azam nih dak Greenlove aku yg edit muka die.. ngehehh... namo touching k.. guraw2 je kan...

two japanese girls. dgn topi pelik..

Kalau dulu pepatah melayu kata "kera dihutan disuskan, anak sendiri mati kelaparan" kalau tgk pic atas nie ape nk kata??

ngehehe.... aksi akrobatik polis German, i love it....

Setakat itu jer persembahan kali nih.. malas nk buka google ataw keluar shooting buat masa nie. bnyk habis masa blaja woo..

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