
November 24, 2010

Lihat Bumi dari ISS

An out of this world view: Astronaut looks down at Earth from window of her space

Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson realises there's no place like home as she peers down at Earth from the highest vantage point possible - space.
Staring out of the windows of the International Space Station (ISS), astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson takes in the planet in all its wonderful glory.
Orbiting our planet about 217 miles i[, the ISS is high enough so that the Earth's horizon appears clearly curved.
Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson
Homesick: Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson peers down at Earth from her vantage point of around 350 kilometres above our planet
A night time photograph made by an International Space Station Expedition 25 crewmember shows a view of Sicily and the
A night-time photograph made by a crew member on the International Space Station Expedition shows a view of Sicily and the 'boot' of Italy

Astronaut Dyson's windows show some of Earth's complex clouds, in white, and life-giving atmosphere and oceans, in blue.
The space station orbits the Earth about once every 90 minutes and it is not difficult for people living below to spot it in the sky if they look carefully.
The ISS can frequently be seen as a bright point of light drifting overhead just after sunset.
In fact, telescopes can even resolve the overall structure of the space station.
The above image was taken in late September from the ISS's Cupola window bay.
This dazzling image shows the bright lights of Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt, on the Mediterranean coast as well as the Nile River
This dazzling image shows the bright lights of Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt, on the Mediterranean coast as well as the Nile River

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