
December 29, 2010

Gajah Main Salji

Enjoying his winter playground, the zoo elephant who likes to make snowballs with his trunk - and then eat them
The elephants got a taste of a German winter at the Berlin Zoo this week as they played in the snow, getting into play fights and sampling a bit of the frozen treat.

Ko Raya, an Asian elephant, even rolled around in the snow in her enclosure at Zoologischer Garten, where temperatures have been staying below zero.

Asian elephant Ko Raya played in the snow, coating herself in the white stuff

Cikgu Yoga Umur 6 Tahun

At just six, Shruti Pandey is the youngest yoga trainer in the world.
The bendy youngster has been teaching adults at an ashram, in northern India, for the last two years.

Her trainer, Hari Chetan, 67, set up the ashram 35 years ago and as soon as little Shruti became one of his students, as a tiny four-year old, he spotted her talents.

Her trainer, Hari Chetan, began teaching her when she was four, and calls her a miracle and a perfectionist

December 28, 2010

Top 15 Most Beautiful Roads in the World

The greatest driving roads in the world should have a perfect mixture between challenging and complicated bends, long fast straights, little to no traffic and especially breathtaking views!

These roads might have enough twists and turns to give you a headache but you’ll feel incredible after you’ve conquered them and you’ll surely want to try it again and again and again.

Here is a list with the 15 Most Beautiful Roads in the World to drive on and another five honorable mentions that you’ll surely like. Enjoy!

Bollywood Stars Vehicles


1. Salman Khan

The controversy king of Bollywood Salman Khan recently purchased an Audi A8 that ranges from Rs. 71 lake to Rs. 1 corer in India.

Tupai Gemok

Who ate all the nuts? Squirrel munchkin has already had his Christmas treats

While the rest of the squirrels in the garden tend to put a few nuts aside for the winter, this tubby customer clearly believes in eating them all at once.
He is a regular visitor to the feeding stations kept well stocked by animal lover James Phelps. Too regular, in fact.
Mr Phelps, 51, has seen the fox squirrel, a native of North America, become so overweight that a low-calorie diet would seem to be required.
Stocking up for winter: The oversized squirrel who has been targeting the feeding stations at a back garden in Michigan
Stocking up for winter: The oversized squirrel who has been targeting the feeding stations at a back garden in Michigan

Candi Borobudur
Region: Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Island nation and comprises 17,508 islands
Area Total:1,919,440 km2
Coast Line: Indian ocean, South China sea, Pacific ocean
Capital: Jakarta
Borobudur is a ninth-century Mahayana Buddhist monument in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.

Cuti² ke Kalimantan Indonesia
Region: Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Island nation and comprises 17,508 islands
Area Total:1,919,440 km2
Coast Line: Indian ocean, South China sea, Pacific ocean
Capital: Jakarta
Rain forest

3D Chalk Drawing by Edgar Müller in Moscow, Russia

some of the most interesting chalk drawings by Edgar Müller. But this hasn’t stopped Edgar from doing some more excellent work, more precisely in Moscow, Russia. Pictured below, you may find a colossal 3D Chalk Drawing, just like Edgar usually does ‘em. If you continue scrolling inside this article, there are few more shot of how the picture came to be. Check out the concrete plaza in Moscow, before work on “Duality” has even started, as well as the finished product. More images after the jump.
Duality by Edgar Müller

Kembar 17

Dog who gave birth to 17 puppies to be neutered because mother and owner can't cope with food demands

The dog in Germany that gave birth to 17 puppies will soon be neutered, owner Ramon Wegemann has announced.
The puppies have been bottle-fed for several weeks because their mother's nipples couldn't cope with the demand, leading to the announcement today.
Please mum, can we ALL have some more! These Rhodesian Ridgeback 
puppies make up around half of the 17-strong litter that 4-year-old 
bitch Etana gave birth to. Thanks to the help of exhausted owner Ramona 
Wegemann, all of the pups have survived
Please mum, can we ALL have some more! These Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies make up around half of the 17-strong litter that 4-year-old bitch Etana gave birth to. Thanks to the help of exhausted owner Ramona Wegemann, all of the pups have survived

Wegemann says the 26-hour labour of the eight female and nine male puppies was very tiresome for the purebred Rhodesian Ridgeback and she does not want to endanger the animal's health with another pregnancy.
Wegemann added caring for the puppies in her living room 'turned out to be a full-time job'.

Etana gave birth to the puppies on September 28 in Wegemann's house in Ebereschenhof near Berlin.

The owner says all the puppies are well and that we play with them in the snow and start teaching them how to sit still.
Who's the cutest of them all? Dog owner Ramona Wegemann is 
delighted that all of the 17-strong litter have survived. The animal 
psychiatrist said when dogs give birth to so many puppies several of 
them usually die within the first week
Who's the cutest of them all? Dog owner Ramona Wegemann is delighted that all of the 17-strong litter have survived. The animal psychiatrist said when dogs give birth to so many puppies several of them usually die within the first week
A dog's life: Animal psychologist Ramona Wegemann poses with the 
17 puppies she helped to raise in Ebereschenhof, Germany
A dog's life: Animal psychologist Ramona Wegemann poses with the 17 puppies she helped to raise in Ebereschenhof, Germany

Penyeluk Saku in Action

This is Actually happen in china, a Photographer able to capture in distance how the pick pockets thief grab a victim cell phone. Yes.. the woman doesn't know she was robbed.

Keindahan Kepulauan Sunda Indonesia
Region: Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Island nation and comprises 17,508 islands
Area Total:1,919,440 km2
Coast Line: Indian ocean, South China sea, Pacific ocean
Capital: Jakarta
Banda-Udara Komodo

Jambatan Gantung Membunuh

Hussaini Hanging Bridge is the most dangerous rope bridge in the world.
The bridge itself is very old, narrow and many wooden planks are missing.

It's situated in northern Pakistan.
Beranikah anda mencuba? fikir 8 kali.. 

Umur13 Tahun tapi Muka Umur 30 Tahun

Zara Hartshorn from the UK is 13 years old.
But she looks much older than her age.
She suffers from a genetic disease called lipodystrophy that makes her look like an adult.
Poor girl :(

December 14, 2010

National Geographic's Photography Contest 2010

National Geographic is once again holding their annual Photo Contest, with the deadline for submissions coming up on November 30th. For the past eight weeks, they have been gathering and presenting galleries of submissions, encouraging readers to rate them as well. National Geographic was again kind enough to let me choose some of their entries from 2010 for display here on The Big Picture. Collected below are 47 images from the three categories of People, Places and Nature. Captions were written by the individual photographers. (47 photos total)

Kanana Camp, Botswana. Pulling over by the side of the road to watch a grazing giraffe, we spotted an amber head lurking behind a small mound. A hungry lioness. Watching, waiting, camera to my eye, she eventually chose her moment and pounced just as the giraffe sensed danger. The lioness gave chase, but failed. Hungry, she lay down, invisible, in the grass not ten feet from us and waited again. (Photo and caption by Alex Tan)

November 27, 2010

Fakta Mengenai Buah Dada

Facts About Breasts:
Do you know facts about breast, if you're a women please do know what u have and carried all day. for men, its advantageous to kept in mind for what u really like in women.

Festival Buaya di Pakistan

The crocodile festival is a unique festival in Karachi, Pakistan. It is a festival held by the ethnic group called Sheedis. It is believed that Sheedis came as slaves from Africa. The festival is held at a shrine in Manghopir, a dry and humid part of Karachi, which dates back to the thirteenth century.

Funny Animals

Sometimes you just have to see the funny side of life - and these animals certainly do.
Following the example of the ‘happypotamus’ featured in the Mail recently, there are lots of other creatures which also boast a funny bone.
Amazingly, scientists believe chimps, dogs and even rats are capable of laughter - and that the ability to laugh came before speech in humans.
From delighted dolphins to amused apes, something’s certainly put a smile on these animals’ faces...

The 'happypotamus' as featured in the Mail recently: The smiling hippo has become an internet sensation

Jambatan Keretapi Membunuh

I'm not sure whether this train bridge is safe or not, but it looks very dangerous.

Skydiving Daredevils

A group of skydiving daredevils performed some out-of-this-world manoeuvres when they jumped from a plane over New Zealand attached to unusual contraptions.
Nitro Circus stars Joelene Van Vugt of Canada, Erik Roner of the USA and eight friends executed the risky moves over Matamata to launch their extreme sport's impending '2011 Nitro Circus Live New Zealand Tour.'
The jump coincided with tickets going on sale for the February tour.

Another man performed some extreme skydiving manoeuvres with a wheelchair

Patung Realistik

These realistic sculptures are amazing. Some of them look so real that you could think it was a real human.

3D Murals

Amazing 3D murals painted on drab city walls by Eric Grohe

Mural artist Eric Grohe creates trompe l'oeil works that transform drab city buildings into beautiful three-dimensional environments. In 2004, Eric turned this hospital building in Columbus, Ohio... 

A Lioness's Lunch Fights Back

A Lioness's Lunch Fights Back
by acclaimed wildlife photographer Paul Goldstein

Paul says: "Often it is the minnows, the underdogs, that deserve our praise more than the A-list. Injured and abandoned, a lone wildebeest fawn tottered up and down a stinking pool. This foot of water was the only respite from the attentions of three young lions...

"Finally with hunger overcoming feline fear of water, a medium-sized female closed in...

"The inevitable coup de grace surely lay ahead...

"Moments later, the lioness was fleeing, pursued by a furious wildebeest one-third of its size. Dripping blood from previous injuries, this callow calf showed the now disgraced lion a clean set of cloven heels...

The calf succeeded in driving away the lioness.

Some zebras might have been watching the show. "It is a delight to see a little cow destroy a big star's reputation".