
February 24, 2011

Loudest Cat in the World

Is this the loudest cat in the world? Meet Smokey whose purr is as noisy as a Boeing 737

For cat lovers, there is nothing more soothing than the sound of their pet purring with contentment.
But when Smokey kicks off, it’s time to reach for the ear plugs.
The sound she produces can reach an incredible 92 decibels – the same as you’d experience watching a Boeing 737 coming in to land.
Deafening: Smokey the cat's purrs average an astonishing 80 decibels - more than THREE times louder than most cats
Deafening: Smokey the cat's purrs average an astonishing 80 decibels - more than THREE times louder than most cats
Even from five feet away the level is 80 decibels, the same as a car passing 25ft away. Most cats produce around 25 decibels.
Owners Ruth and Mark Adams say the 12-year-old British Shorthair can drown out TV and radio shows and phone conversations with her ‘cooing purr’ which they describe as ‘sounding as if she has a dove stuck in her throat’.
Mrs Adams, from Pitsford, Northampton, said: ‘She even manages to purr while she eats. The only time she is quiet is when she is asleep.
'It’s either adorable or annoying, depending on what mood you’re in. You don’t even have to stroke her to start a purring session. Often she’ll do it for no reason.’
Guinness World Records said it had a category in place for noisiest cat but no entries yet. A spokesman said: ‘If Smokey can purr at over 80dB it would be an astonishing feat.’

Record breaker: Owner Ruth Adams has submitted an application for Smokey's piercing purrs to the Guinness World Records

February 11, 2011

Rumah Burung

This hotel is the height of luxury - if you're a bird.
Complete with 103 rooms and a 'swimming pool', it is constructed from cedar wood and scales an amazing nine feet in height.
The birdbox de luxe also boasts Victorian architecture and fly-by tunnels, the brainchild of a former builder.
John Loose, 46, has been making the specialist accommodation for our feathered friends for five years now and has a range which can set bird-lovers back anywhere between £1,000 and £15,000.

Former builder John Looser has built a number of luxury cedar wood mansions for birds. His structures can measure up to nine feet high and across and cost up to £15,000

Unique Guiness World Records

Here’s a list of the most unique world records recognized internationally, both human achievements and the extremes of the natural world. Until 2000, the Guinness World Records was known as the Guinness Book of Records and it is the best-selling copyrighted series of all-time. The interesting fact is that it is one of the most stolen books from public libraries in the United States.

Tommy Pastemante from the USA sets the fastest Speed on a Modified Lawnmower (61 mph).

Burung Ke Cobra?

Flocks of migrating starlings are renowned for their incredible aerial displays around this time of year.

But residents in Taunton, Somerset may have had a bit of a fright yesterday as thousands of flapping birds formed the shape of a giant cobra swooping down on houses in the late afternoon sky.

In a scene reminiscent of Hollywood blockbuster The Mummy, the starlings were captured on film snaking ominously around the rooftops in the awe-inspiring formation.

Mysterious: The phenomenon, known as 'murmation' usually occurs around dusk each day before the birds roost and is one of nature's most magnificent displays

February 10, 2011

Only In Korea (18SX)

Nude Park.. i think maybe Korean love to make love in the park instead in the room.. i wonder what is the purpose for this park.. attention.. dont bring your child to this place..